the Sweaty Yogi is my personal website. Within you’ll will be taking a peak into my yoga practice and my yoga journey.

I have been practicing Bikram Yoga since 2008 and in 2018 I competed Raja Yoga Academy’s level 1 program certifying me as a Hatha yoga instructor. I continue to use the series to heal my body and to inspire others to do the same.

In these post please take note that when I am talking about my yoga practice, I am typically about the physical practice of yoga and more specifically the Bikram methodology (the 26&2, the Original Hot Yoga).

Posts found on this site are written from the viewpoint of a practicing student, and not as an instructing teacher. I feel that this is an important distinction to make because posts within are written from the perspective of my body and are a snapshot of the past; they are reflections, not instructions.

If you want to reach out to talk about yoga feel free to contact me through one of the provided links.

Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you again <3